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The Lavender House Flower Shop | 10340 121 Street, Edmonton, AB | call 780.488.1302
shop hours M-Th 9am - 5:30pm / f 9am - 6pm / Sat 9:30am - 5pm /


Almond flower Left side
Lavender House purple logo
Almond flower

Custom, Hand-crafted Floral Arrangements for Every Wedding

If you’re interested in working with us, book a consultation with one of our wedding designers to discuss your needs, vision and budget. We specialize in creating artisan arrangements that will make your small, intimate ceremony as special and meaningful as possible during these trying times.

We want to make your day as amazing as you dreamt it, so we can wait as late as just a few weeks before your big day to confirm the final details so that if things change, we can change them with you, even if that means changing dates, scaling up, or scaling down.

Let us take some of the stress away from a stressful time and enjoy your wedding day.

Give us a call, email, or fill out the form below to set up a virtual meeting with one of our designers to talk about your wedding flowers!

Request a Wedding Consultation

Flower Budget
Wedding information
Please answer as many questions below as possible. This will help your consultant tailor your appointment to your needs.
Ceremony Decor
Which statement best identifies your feelings about your flowers?
Which statement best identifies where you are in the planning process?
flower corsage

Winter Wedding

Spring Wedding

Winter Wedding