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The Lavender House Flower Shop | 10340 121 Street, Edmonton, AB | call 780.488.1302
shop hours M-Th 9am - 5:30pm / f 9am - 6pm / Sat 9:30am - 5pm /

Some Of Our Recent Wedding Arrangement Work.

During the summer, we get very, very busy trying to accommodate all of the wonderful, loved-up couples who are getting married in Edmonton during our brief warmer months.

It can get pretty crazy, Some weekends we are trying to make the arrangements for up to six or more weddings – that can be a little stressful!

In today’s blog post we want to show some of the recent wedding work we have done this busy summer season so far.

Jayme Hiller & Kevin McPherson

First up, we did a wedding for bride Jayme Hiller and groom Kevin McPherson. They wanted to have a Scottish wedding theme, so we used a blend of Eryngium, Hydrangeas, Anastasia’s, Daisies, Blue and White Orchids and Lillies. We also wrapped the wedding bouquet stems in Blue and White Tartan to further reflect the Scottish theme.

Terrarium plant
flower bouquet
blue flower bouquet
wedding couple

The wedding photos were taken by the very talented Lauren Hannah photography

They wanted a rustic/vintage theme for their wedding. Celine very creatively painted all her own jars for the wedding and then adorned them with lace. We then filled each of them with a different assortment of flowers. The beautiful couple held their wedding ceremony and reception at the amazing Yellowhead Brewing Company.

flowers in mason jar
colored mason jar
center table flower

If you are looking to get wedding flowers for your special day in Edmonton please contact us using the form below or call us on 780.488.1302.

Lavender House purple logo

About the Lavender House

The Lavender House, formerly Best Buds Flower Co, has called Edmonton’s historic Oliver neighbourhood home for over twenty beautiful and blossoming years! We are grateful for our passionate and creative team who are always excited to bring your floral vision to life with a luxurious, high-quality, custom design. Guests are encouraged to stop in, chat, smell the flowers, and enjoy a cookie baked by our owner, Kimberly, herself!

Winter Wedding

Spring Wedding

Winter Wedding