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The Lavender House Flower Shop | 10340 121 Street, Edmonton, AB | call 780.488.1302
shop hours M-Th 9am - 5:30pm / f 9am - 6pm / Sat 9:30am - 5pm /

Starting your garden: tools and supplies to create your green paradise

There is no better way to spend a Sunday afternoon than outdoors tending to your garden! As the spring season is just around the corner, it is now possible to grow your favourite flowers or your own orchard, and enjoy the pleasure of connecting with nature. Gardening also comes with its fair share of tools, so it’s easy to get confused about which one to pick first. In order to make this process easier, we went ahead and created a handy guide with the essential tools any gardener needs to get started. Enjoy!

Gardening Gloves!

Protect your hands from scratches, blisters and scrapes with the proper pair of gloves. Don’t waste your money on a cheap pair as they won’t provide enough coverage; especially when you start handling plants, digging holes and preparing fertilizers for your plants.

Look for a pair of nitrile-coated gloves, the nitrile will offer enough dexterity to handle seeds and you won’t get scratches. Also, this material is ideal for handling wet or slippery objects, which can prevent many accidents. They are also more durable than other materials and with proper care, these gloves can last you a long time. After you are done gardening, be sure to hang your gloves up or lay them down flat so they do not become misshapen. We recommend storing them in a dry place away from sunlight and insects.

The Ideal Pruners

Pruners are a gardener’s best friend, both on and off the job! A quality tool like this will last a lifetime – and it’s one you’ll be happy to reach for again and again. We even keep them on our belts as it is a tool we constantly use to create our beautiful flower arrangements. Their robust design makes them ideal for cutting stems, branches and even small trees.

However, not all pruners work the same though, anvil pruners are your go-to partner if you are cutting dead wood and twigs. Otherwise, you can damage or even crush green stems and branches. For live plants, green stems and branches, opt for bypass pruners. When shopping for your pruner, look for the one with replacement parts available, as this is a sign of high quality. A good pair of pruners will always be sharp, powerful and comfortable to use.

Multitask with a Garden Fork

Garden forks are a very handy tool for gardeners because of their versatility to be used for digging, prying, and turning soil. It’s also a great garden tool for turning compost, breaking up clods and sifting out stones. Use it in raised beds to loosen and aerate the soil before planting. The holes in the tines help release air into the soil as you work. Made of solid steel, it won’t bend like regular garden forks and will make the tough job of digging easier, and you can use it for many years without worrying about rust.

Organic Plant Food and High-Quality Soil

At Best Buds Flower we aim to provide not only the best bouquets and unbeatable service to all our customers, but also to run an environmentally conscious business. For that reason, our recommendation is to look for organic soil that is made up primarily of plant material, which makes it superior to non-organic alternatives and provides much better nutrient levels for your plants.

Along with organic soil, we encourage you to reach for organic and soil-friendly fertilizers. If you have the space, consider a compost bin, you’ll have a free supply of high-quality food for your garden and a big step towards a greener future. Additionally, organic fertilizers help provide nutrition and important minerals, so they can help your plants reach their full potential.

Make It Rain with Watering Equipment

The best irrigation or watering tool for your garden is the one that covers all the needs of your garden and will last you a long time. For small gardens or your collection of indoor plants, you can purchase a watering can. There are hundreds of styles, colours, sizes and nozzle options. Plastic watering cans are less expensive but may develop cracks or other leaks over time. Metal cans are typically more durable and often have colourful finishes that match your garden decor.

Just make sure that your metal can is galvanized to resist rusting.

If you have the bliss of owning a spacious garden or backyard, let your plants get a gentle rain with a watering wand. The long handle (usually length from 10 to 48 inches) means you can reach the back of your garden, border edges or hanging baskets. This tool allows you to water your plants at their root zone without bending, crouching or using a stepladder. They are easy to use and control, allowing you to apply just the right amount of water when and where it is needed.

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About the Lavender House

The Lavender House, formerly Best Buds Flower Co, has called Edmonton’s historic Oliver neighbourhood home for over twenty beautiful and blossoming years! We are grateful for our passionate and creative team who are always excited to bring your floral vision to life with a luxurious, high-quality, custom design. Guests are encouraged to stop in, chat, smell the flowers, and enjoy a cookie baked by our owner, Kimberly, herself!

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